Star Wars fan fiction
Only For A Season
What do we really know about Luke’s life before Star Wars: A New Hope....
What do we really know about Luke’s life before Star Wars: A New Hope....
introduction and preview
Only For A Season ~@~ Chapter 1: Desert Visitor Chapter 2: Game of Marbles Chapter 3: Stargazer Chapter 4: Dewbacks and Darklighter Chapter 5: Skyhopper Chapter 6: Beggar’s Canyon Chapter 7: Boonta Eve Chapter 8: Sunstealer Chapter 9: The Stone Needle Chapter 10: Shifting Sands Chapter 11: A New Season Chapter 12: Japor Strands Chapter 13: Farmer’s Holiday Chapter 14: Starkiller Chapter 15: Setting Suns Chapter 16: Seeds of Rebellion ~~@~~ |
Only For A Season is an Alternate Reality Star Wars fan fiction piece set on Luke Skywalker’s home planet of Tatooine. The story is meant to explore Luke’s experiences growing up, plus everyday life and the workings of society on Tatooine.
A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far, Far, Away...
Only for a Season
Chapter 1 Tatooine’s twin suns dipped ever closer to the barren horizon, deepening the settling dusk and casting darkening shades of red across the ground and sky. Obi-Wan Kenobi frowned a bit as he spurred his mount with his boot heels, trying to quicken the beast’s pace. The Lars homestead was in sight; he could barely make out the flashing beacons along the farm’s perimeter, and he wanted to make his arrival before nightfall brought on heightened defenses against the local tribesmen. Tuscan Raiders, or Sandpeople as the locals typically called them. Obi-Wan had been researching his new home planet on the journey here – at least between spells of feeding, changing, and settling his charge to sleep. The Jedi’s gaze fell upon the child. Anakin’s son. Padme had named the boy Luke. Luke Skywalker. Obi-Wan had expected the journey to try the child, but he slept soundly through the dry arid heat, through the baying and jostling of the mount that carried them across the desert. Obi-Wan held Luke securely in the crook of his left arm, leaving his right hand free to guide the beast (or to wield his lightsaber against any threat that presented itself), and the Jedi tried whenever possible to touch the child’s mind with thoughts of reassurance and protection. But the boy slept on uneventfully. Almost as if he understood that he was going home. Read more:
So Let it Be Written Publishing © 2004